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Welcome to
Resurrecting Faith
World Ministries
Thank you for visiting the Resurrecting Faith World Ministries website! We truly hope that this site encourages you to come and visit us! We believe that it is God that guides and directs people to join a body of believers and that there is a specific congregation just for YOU.
We believe that God sent you to this site for a reason, more than likely, you have questions that we can answer.

Pastor Connell Lewis
Dr. Connell Lewis is the pastor and founder of Resurrecting Faith World Ministries, a non-denominational church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has been in ministry for more than twenty years. Dr. Lewis was a Minnesota Gopher basketball player and graduate of the University of Minnesota. He received his Master’s of Divinity from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota and his Doctor of Theology from Andersonville Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia.

I’m New Here
Introduction to our church

Our Mission
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Live Stream
Sundays at 11:45 am

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Upcoming Events
Sunday Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service 10 am Prayer 11 am Worship Location: Northport Elementary School 5421 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Center
Bible Study
Join us for BIble Study on Wednesdays at Norwood Park 8100 Newton Avenue N, Brooklyn Park Prayer - 6:30 pm Bible Study - 7 pm Childcare NOT provided
Helps Ministries

Single Women’s Ministry
Grade 6 - 12

Ushers & Greeters
Find Your Fit

Marriage Ministry
Worship Ministry

Transportation Ministry
Ages 1 - 12

Media Ministry
Worship Ministry

Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Grade 6 - 12
Audio Recorded Messages

God's Escape Plan 9.22.24
Collette Lease